What is Electrochemistry

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Electrochemistry is a branch of chemistry that deals with the study of the relationship between electricity and chemical reactions. It involves the study of the transfer of electrons between substances, the generation and storage of electrical energy, and the use of electrochemical processes in industry and technology.


Oxidation is a chemical process that involves the loss of electrons from an atom or molecule.

Several definitions of Oxidations are:
 Oxidation is the gain of oxygen.

2Mg +O2→ 2MgO

 Oxidation is the loss of electrons by an atom or an ion.

H2 → 2H++ 2e

 Oxidation is the increase in oxidation state.

Cu0 → Cu+2 + 2e

 Oxidation is the loss of hydrogen.

H2S + O2 → SO2 + H2O


In chemistry, Reduction refers to a chemical reaction that involves the gain of electrons or a decrease in the oxidation state.

Several definitions of Reductions is:

Reduction is the loss of oxygen.

CuO + H2 → Cu + H2O

Reduction is the gain of electrons by an atom or an ion.

H++ 2e → H2

Reduction is the decrease in oxidation state.

Cu+2 + 2e → Cu0

 Reduction is the gain of hydrogen.

H2S + O2 → SO2 + H2O

Redox Reaction:

The reaction in which both oxidation and reduction reactions occur simultaneously.

H2S + O2 → SO2 + H2O

Oxidizing Agent:

 An oxidising agent oxidises another substance – and is itself reduced or simply the chemical species that accepts the electrons.


H2SO4, HNO3, KMnO4, K2Cr2O7, Cl2, Br2, I2 etc.

Reducing Agent:

A reducing agent reduces another substance – and is itself oxidised or simply the chemical species that loses the electrons.


Alkali metals, Al, H2S, Zn, NaH, KH, etc


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