User-defined Functions

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Variables are fundamental to storing and manipulating data in your programs.expand_more However, their scope, or the extent of their visibility, can be crucial.

  • Local Variables: These variables are declared within a function’s body. They are only accessible within that specific function and are destroyed when the function finishes execution.
  • Global Variables: These variables are declared outside of any function, typically at the beginning of your program. They are accessible from anywhere within the program, but their use should be cautious due to potential naming conflicts and unintended side effects.


This chapter explored the foundation of functions in programming, empowering you to create custom tools and leverage pre-defined ones. You learned about user-defined functions, their components, and how they differ from pre-defined functions. Additionally, you gained an understanding of local and global variables, highlighting their distinct scopes and considerations for their usage. By effectively combining these concepts, you can approach complex problems in a more structured and efficient manner, paving the way for advanced programming endeavors.


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