Universal Gates

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In the last lesson, we learned how computers use 0s and 1s to represent information. But how do they perform calculations and make decisions? This is where logic gates come in. They are like tiny switches that follow specific rules to process information.

  1. Basic Logic Gates:
  • Imagine simple electrical switches:
    • AND Gate: Acts like two switches in series. Both switches need to be ON (1) for the output to be ON (1). Think of it like needing two keys to open a safe.
    • OR Gate: Acts like two switches in parallel. At least one switch needs to be ON (1) for the output to be ON (1). Think of it like turning on a light with two switches.
    • NOT Gate (Inverter): Inverts the input. If the input is ON (1), the output is OFF (0), and vice versa. Think of it like a light switch, flipping the state
  1. Universal Logic Gates:

While the above gates are essential, there are two special ones called NAND and NOR gates. These are universal because any other logic gate can be built using only NAND or NOR gates! This makes them extremely versatile in building complex digital circuits.

We will explore these concepts further in detail with examples and diagrams in the upcoming sections.


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