The Uses Of Adversity

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The Uses Of Adversity (Poem)

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Words and Meaning:

S.No Word English Meaning Urdu Meaning
1 Anonymous Without a known or acknowledged name; unidentified نامعلوم
2 Adversity Difficulties or misfortune; a challenging situation زحمت
3 Clip To cut or trim with scissors or shears; a short segment کلپ
4 Deficiency A lack or shortage of something; inadequacy کمی
5 Dim Not bright or clear; having reduced visibility دھنی
6 Lustre A gentle sheen or shine; brightness or radiance جلن
7 Manuscript A handwritten or typed document, often an old one خطوط کی تحریر
8 Perfect Having no flaws, defects, or errors; flawless مکمل
9 Reed A tall, slender plant with hollow stems; often used in making instruments نرم کھیلوں کا سہارا
10 Trimming The act of cutting or arranging something to make it neat and attractive سنگ لینا
11 Wick A piece of cord or material in a candle or lamp that absorbs and carries the flame موم بتی یا لیمپ میں روشنی دینے والی پتی

Questions and Answers:

Q1. What is the message conveyed by the poem? OR How does the poem highlight the role of challenges in our lives? OR Comment on the positive aspects of adversity.

Ans. The poem imparts a lesson on perseverance and determination. It underscores the idea that challenges refine us and enhance our capabilities. Difficulties lead to personal growth and success is born from setbacks. As Francis Bacon aptly stated, “Adversity’s virtue is fortitude, a heroic virtue.”

Q2. Define “adversity.”

Ans. Adversity refers to hardship or misfortune, encompassing unfavorable circumstances and challenges.

Q3. Who is the author of this poem?

Ans. The poet’s identity remains undisclosed, rendering it an Anonymous composition.

Q4. How does the poet illustrate his concept?

Ans. The poet elucidates his notion through two analogies:

  1. a) Just as a pen writes more effectively when its reed is trimmed,
  2. b) Similar to how a lantern emits brighter light when its wick is cut,

Likewise, individuals become more adept and resilient through life’s trials. Adverse experiences enrich one’s knowledge and wisdom.

Q5. Provide more examples of adversity’s role in daily life.

Ans. Visually impaired individuals excel academically, while disabled people showcase expertise in skilled tasks. Those from humble backgrounds often display exceptional resilience and industriousness.

Q6. Would you favor adversity over prosperity?

Ans. Prosperity can be a divine gift, and adversity might hold blessings as well. One should remain optimistic while preparing for challenges. Prayer should align with hopes for the best possible outcomes.


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