Source of Organic Compounds

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Source of Organic Compounds

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1. Coal:

Organic compounds can be found in coal, which is a fossil fuel formed from the remains of ancient plants and organic matter that underwent geological processes over millions of years.

2. Petroleum:

Organic compounds are abundant in petroleum, a naturally occurring mixture of hydrocarbons that is formed from the decomposition of marine organisms over millions of years and extracted from underground reservoirs.

3. Natural Gas:

Organic compounds are present in natural gas, a fossil fuel composed mainly of methane (CH4) and other hydrocarbons, formed from the decomposition of organic matter in ancient deposits of plants and microorganisms.

4. Plants:

Organic compounds are synthesized by plants through photosynthesis, where they convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and other organic molecules, making plants a significant source of organic compounds in nature.

5. Synthesis in Laboratory:

Organic compounds can also be synthesized in the laboratory through various chemical reactions, allowing researchers to create specific organic compounds for a wide range of applications in industries such as pharmaceuticals, materials, and agriculture.


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