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Words and Meaning:

S.No Word English Meaning Urdu Meaning
1 Beef The meat from a cow, often used for food گائے کا گوشت
2 Butcher A person who prepares and sells meat قصائی
3 Cabbage A type of leafy green vegetable گوبھی
4 Calves Plural of "calf"; young cows بچھڑے
5 Carton A container made of cardboard or paper کارٹن
6 Cauliflower A type of vegetable similar to broccoli گوبھی گوبھی
7 Chilies Small hot peppers مرچیں
8 Choked Past tense of "choke"; to be unable to breathe due to a blockage دب گیا
9 Dressed Wearing clothes; prepared (as in food) تیار
10 Freezer An appliance used for freezing food فریزر
11 Gulped Past tense of "gulp"; to swallow quickly and in large quantities نگل گیا
12 Grocer A person who sells food and other goods کریانے دار
13 Hire To employ or engage someone for a job کرائے پر لینا
14 Kilogram A unit of weight equal to 1000 grams کلوگرام
15 Kilometer A unit of length equal to 1000 meters کلومیٹر
16 Live To be alive; in a state of life زندہ
17 Meter A unit of length used in the metric system میٹر
18 Mutton The meat from sheep, often used for food بھیڑ کا گوشت
19 Onion A type of edible bulb with a pungent taste پیاز
20 Potato A starchy tuber vegetable آلو
21 Poultry Domestic birds raised for meat and eggs پولٹری
22 Provisions Supplies of food and other necessities ضروریات
23 Spices Aromatic substances used to flavor food مصالحے
24 Spinach A leafy green vegetable سوئیاں
25 Turnip A round root vegetable with white or purple flesh شلجم

Questions and Answers:

Q.1: Why did the mother want Najma and Ajmal to accompany her for shopping?

Ans. The mother asked Najma and Ajmal to join her for shopping because their father was away on a trip, and they needed to buy groceries and supplies.


Q.2: What was the taxi fare demanded by the driver?

Ans. The taxi driver asked for twenty-five rupees to go to the market.

Q.3: What did the mother say to the taxi driver?

Ans. The mother was surprised by the high taxi fare since the distance was only two kilometers. She told the driver that she would pay him fifteen rupees or take them to the traffic sentry.

Q.4: Where did the mother and children go for shopping first?

Ans. The mother and children initially went to the mutton market for shopping.

Q.5: How is beef different from mutton?

Ans. Beef and mutton are both types of meat. Beef comes from cows, calves, and buffaloes, while mutton comes from goats and sheep.

Q.6: What did the mother purchase at the butcher’s shop?

Ans. At the butcher’s shop, the mother bought one kilo of leg meat and one kilo of minced meat.

Q.7: Where did the mother go after finishing shopping at the butcher’s?

Ans. After shopping at the butcher’s, the mother proceeded to the vegetables and fruit market.

Q.8: How did the mother go about purchasing bananas and apples?

Ans. Initially, the mother inquired about the fruit prices. Subsequently, she bought ten bananas for fifteen rupees and one kilogram of apples for twenty rupees.

Q.9: What was the final item that the mother bought?

Ans. The last items the mother bought were from a poultry shop. She acquired two dozen eggs for thirty rupees per dozen and one kilo of dressed chicken at a rate of ninety rupees per kilo.

Q.10: What was the distance between Najma and Ajmal’s house and the market?

Ans. The market wasn’t very far from Najma and Ajmal’s house, spanning a distance of approximately two kilometers.

Q.11: What tasks did the mother assign to the children upon returning home?

Ans. Upon returning home, the mother instructed Ajmal to polish both his and Najma’s shoes. She also asked Najma to iron the clothes while she herself went to the kitchen to cook.

Q.12: When are the units Metre, Kilometer, Kilo, and Litre used?

Ans. These units are used to measure different quantities:

  1. Metre is employed for measuring length.
  2. Kilometer is used for measuring distance.
  3. Kilo is the unit for measuring weight.
  4. Litre is used to measure liquids, excluding those with high viscosity.

Q.13: Why aren’t polythene bags widely used globally?

Ans. Polythene bags are not commonly used worldwide due to their significant contribution to water pollution. They tend to block sewage pipes, leading to spillage of dirty water. The bags are challenging to dispose of properly.

Q.14: What caused Najma and Ajmal’s excitement during the shopping?

Ans. Najma and Ajmal were excited because it was their first shopping experience, providing them an opportunity to discover new and interesting things in their daily lives, making the activity enjoyable for them.

Q.15: How can we describe the mother’s shopping behavior?

Ans. The mother can be described as a vigilant customer due to her careful consideration of both the price and quality of goods before making any purchases. At the butcher’s shop, she inquired about the price and negotiated for a lower rate when it exceeded the price list.

Q.16: Why did the taxi driver ask for 20 rupees as fare?

Ans. The taxi driver demanded 20 rupees for the fare because he aimed to earn more money than the standard fare. Taking advantage of the malfunctioning taxi meter, he insisted on charging the higher amount.

Q.17: Where can we buy fruit, vegetables, meat, chicken, and groceries?

Ans. These items can be purchased from specific locations: fruits from the fruit market, vegetables from the vegetable market, meat at the butcher’s shop within the meat market, chicken at the chicken shop, and groceries at general stores.


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