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Words and Meaning: Word English Meaning Urdu Meaning
1 Appreciate To recognize the value or quality of something قدر دینا
2 Available Ready and accessible دستیاب
3 By-product A secondary or unintended result of a process متعلقہ نتیجہ
4 Command To give orders or authority over حکم دینا
5 Coast The land along the edge of the sea ساحل
6 Cultivating Preparing and using land for crops or gardening زرعی
7 Decree An official order or proclamation حکم
8 Deed An action or act کام
9 Dignity The quality of being worthy or honorable عزت
10 Divine Related to a god or god-like الہی
11 Engaged Busy with or committed to a particular task or activity مصروف
12 Enshrined To place something in a sacred or cherished place مقدس مقام پر رکھنا
13 Flourish To grow or develop in a healthy or vigorous way کامیابی پانا
14 Fulfill To carry out or complete a task or duty پورا کرنا
15 Gifted Endowed with special talent or ability ذرا سا بھی معیار
16 Glue An adhesive substance گوند
17 Harbour A place on the coast where ships can anchor بندرگاہ
18 Hence For this reason or from this place اسلئے
19 Humble Not proud or arrogant; modest متواضع
20 Hobby A leisure activity done for pleasure شوق
21 Incorporate To include or combine into a single entity شامل کرنا
22 Inscribed Written or engraved on a surface کندیں لگانا
23 Individually Separately or one by one انفرادی
24 Institute An organization or institution ادارہ
25 Keen Eager or enthusiastic بیشوق
26 Locally In or related to a specific place or location مقامی
27 Liver-oil An oil derived from the liver of fish ماہی تیل
28 Marine Related to the sea or ocean سمندری
29 Mercy Compassion or forgiveness رحم
30 Million The number one thousand thousand ملین
31 Modernizing To make something more modern or up-to-date جدیدیت پسندی کرنا
32 Obtain To acquire or get حاصل کرنا
33 Occupation A job or profession پیشہ
34 Ocean A vast body of saltwater بحر
35 Off-shore Located or occurring in the sea, away from the shore ساحل سے دور
36 Par excellence Outstanding or superior in quality اعلی
37 Please To make someone happy or satisfied خوش کرنا
38 Ponder To think deeply or consider carefully غور کرنا
39 Possess To own or have something مالک ہونا
40 Proper Suitable or appropriate مناسب
41 Recognized To be acknowledged or identified as پہچانا جانا
42 Reflection A mirrored image or serious thought عکس
43 Regard To consider or think of in a particular way توجہ دینا
44 Remain To stay in the same place or condition رہنا
45 Require To need or demand ضرورت ہونا
46 Revelation A surprising or enlightening discovery واقعہ
47 Reverence Deep respect and admiration عزت
48 Revering Showing deep respect and admiration عرفان
49 Sacred Holy or deserving of religious respect مقدس
50 Several More than two or three; multiple کئی
51 Spoilt Ruined or damaged خراب
52 Source The origin or beginning of something ماخذ
53 Status A person's social or professional position حیثیت
54 Strive To make great efforts or struggle مشقت کرنا
55 Tasty Having a pleasant flavor or taste مزیدار
56 Thirst A strong desire for something, often a drink پیاس
57 Trawler A fishing boat or vessel جال میں مچھلی پکڑنے کی بوٹ
58 Usually Typically or most often عام طور پر
59 Various Diverse or different kinds of مختلف
60 Warning A statement or sign that alerts to danger انتباہ
61 Worthy Deserving of respect or admiration لائق
62 Professional Relating to a paid occupation or skilled activity پیشہ ور

Questions and Answers:

Q.1: What was the initial word of Revelation?

Ans: The starting word of Revelation was “IQRA,” which translates to “read.”

Q.2: How did the Prophet (peace be upon him) educate his followers?

Ans: The Prophet (peace be upon him) educated his followers not just through his words, but also by demonstrating good actions in his daily life. He was a genuine and impactful teacher across different generations.

Q.3: Where are God’s words inscribed?

Ans: God’s words are inscribed in the following ways:

(a) Within the hearts of humans.

(b) Evident in nature.

(c) Recorded within the Holy Books of God.

Q.4: Why do Eastern people hold teachers in high esteem?

Ans: People in the East have always held teachers in high esteem due to their personal and professional qualities. In the East, teachers are valued almost as much as parents and are seen as guides.

Q.5: How does freshwater fishing differ from marine fishing?

Ans: Freshwater fishing involves catching fish from sources like rivers, lakes, streams, canals, and ponds. The fish are usually small but tasty, often sold locally at higher prices. Marine fishing, on the other hand, takes place in the sea and carries higher risks.

Q.6: What efforts are being made by the government to enhance the fishing industry?

Ans: The government is actively involved in improving and modernizing the fishing industry:

  1. Fishermen are provided loans to acquire larger and better boats and trawlers.
  2. Fishing nets are made accessible at reduced costs.
  3. Fish harbors and markets have been established.
  4. Weather stations are constructed along the coast and offshore islands.
  5. Some boats are now equipped with wireless receiver sets.
  6. Fisheries Training Institutes and Fisheries Technological Laboratory have been established in Karachi.

Q.7: What is the meaning of the term “Akhund”? OR What does the Sindhi word “Akhund” signify?

Ans. “Akhund” originates from the Sindhi word and is rooted in the Persian word “Khandan,” which signifies “to read.” This term aptly reflects the honor and position of a teacher.

Q.8: How does a teacher carry out God’s command?

Ans. According to God’s command in the Holy book, which encourages reading, a teacher follows through by embodying the first revelation, “to read” (IQRA). A teacher comprehends God’s teachings through the human heart, nature, and scripture. They also facilitate others in understanding and reading God’s message.

Q.9: What attributes define a teacher?

Ans. A teacher exhibits both personal and professional traits:

  1. Dedication and respect for their profession.
  2. Prioritizing the welfare and advancement of students.
  3. Maintaining a lasting connection with students.
  4. A thirst for knowledge.
  5. Reverence for all forms of knowledge.
  6. Willingness to learn from diverse sources and practically apply teachings.

Q.10: Why does fish hold significant importance for us?

Ans. Fish is crucial as it serves as a vital food source. It provides various by-products, including glue, manure, and liver oil. Fishing is an ancient and widespread profession that engages a substantial portion of the population, contributing to both sustenance and trade.

Q.11: What are the various methods of fishing in Pakistan?

Ans. Fishing in Pakistan takes two primary forms:

  1. Freshwater fishing: Conducted in rivers, lakes, streams, and ponds.
  2. Marine fishing: Carried out in oceans, seas, and coastal regions.

Q.12: What makes freshwater fish appealing to people? OR How is freshwater fishing performed?

Ans. Freshwater fish are favored for their delectable taste and relatively higher value. They are smaller and easier to catch compared to marine fish. Freshwater fish are typically captured using nets of different sizes in rivers, lakes, ponds, and canals. In some cases, boats may not be required.

Q.13: Where is marine fishing practiced in Pakistan?

Ans. In Pakistan, marine fishing takes place in the Arabian Sea along the coastline. The risks associated with marine fishing include extended periods spent by fishermen in the deep sea and the unpredictable weather changes that can lead to life-threatening situations.

Q.14: What are the hazards of marine fishing?

Ans. Unpredictable rough weather conditions can arise suddenly, rendering fishing boats vulnerable to storms and leaving them helpless in the face of such challenges.


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