Muscles are contractile tissues that enable body movement by generating force through contraction. They play a vital role in various physiological functions.
Skeletal Muscles:
Skeletal muscles are attached to bones by tendons, facilitating voluntary movements like walking and reaching. They are under conscious control and form the majority of the body’s muscle mass.
Cardiac Muscles:
Cardiac muscles are found in the heart, pumping blood throughout the circulatory system. They exhibit involuntary contractions, ensuring continuous and rhythmic cardiac activity.
Smooth Muscles:
Smooth muscles are located in organs like the digestive tract and blood vessels. They perform involuntary functions such as peristalsis and blood vessel constriction, contributing to organ and system regulation.
Antagonistic Muscles (Biceps and Triceps):
In the context of muscles, antagonistic refers to pairs of muscles that work in opposition to achieve controlled movement. The biceps and triceps exemplify this concept in the arm. The biceps, located in the front, contract to flex the arm (e.g., lifting a weight), while the triceps, positioned at the back, contract to extend the arm. This antagonistic interaction enables coordinated and controlled arm movements.
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