Little Things

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Little Things

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Words and Meaning: Words Meaning Urdu Meaning
01. Above Higher in position or place اوپر
02. Deeds Actions or accomplishments کارکردگیاں
03. Eden A paradise or perfect place جنت
04. Grain Small, hard seed of plants دانہ
05. Heaven The celestial realm or paradise جنت
06. Kindness The quality of being friendly and generous مہربانی
07. Little Small in size or amount چھوٹا
08. Might Power or strength طاقت
09. Ocean A large body of saltwater بحر

Questions and Answers:

Q1: Who is the author of the poem ‘Little Things’? What can turn our world into an Eden?

Ans: The poetess Julia Carney wrote the poem “Little Things.” Our world can become like an Eden, a blissful place, through small acts of kindness and affection that she describes in her poem.

Q2: How do small kind deeds affect our happiness?

Ans: Acts of kindness, even the smallest ones, are like gifts from God. They help us win people’s hearts with friendly words. When we help those who are sad, take care of the sick, support the hungry, and encourage those feeling down, we experience happiness and peace that lasts.

Q3: What does ‘Eden’ mean?

Ans: Eden refers to a paradise-like garden, mentioned in religious texts as the place where the first humans, Adam and Eve, lived. It can also signify heaven, where good and noble souls go after they pass away. This heavenly place is filled with happiness and joy.

Q4: How can we make our world more like an Eden?

Ans: We can make our world similar to an Eden by performing small acts of kindness. This involves comforting those who are sad, helping the sick, feeding the hungry, and supporting those in need. By using kind words and showing empathy, we create an ideal world where our actions leave a positive and lasting impact.

Q.5: Why are little things important? OR What is the importance of ‘Little 


Ans: Paying attention to small things holds immense significance. Many times, small actions in life lead to significant transformations. Just as tiny water droplets form vast oceans and lovely landscapes emerge from grains of sand, small acts of kindness endear us to everyone, including our adversaries. Even though our life’s moments may seem unassuming, they contribute to creating powerful and enduring periods in the passage of time.


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