Introduction to Biology

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Introduction to Biology

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“Biology is the scientific study of living organisms and their interactions with each other and their environment.”


   The word Biology is composed of two Greek words “Bio” meaning “Life” and “Logos” meaning “Discourse”, thought or reasoning or in simple terms; study.

Division of Biology:

  There are three main divisions of Biology which are define below:

1. Zoology:

 It is the scientific study of animals.

2. Botany:

It is the scientific study of plants.

3. Microbiology:

It Deals with the study of microscopic organisms such as bacteria, Viruses etc. which can be seen only with the help of a microscope.

Branches of Biology:

   Some Important branches of Biology are defined below:

  1. Morphology
  2. Anatomy
  3. Cell Biology
  4. Histology
  5. Physiology
  6. Taxonomy
  7.  Genetics
  8.  Developmental Biology
  9. Environmental Biology
  10. Paleontology
  11. Biotechnology
  12. Sociobiology
  13. Parasitology
  14. Pharmacology
  15. Molecular biology

Morphology (mor-FAH-loh-jee):

     The study of external form and structure of organisms.

Anatomy (uh-NAT-uh-mee):

   The study of internal and external parts of the body of living organisms 

through dissection or other methods.

Cell Biology:

   The study of cells and their organelles.

Histology (his-TOL-uh-jee):

   The study of the structure of tissues of plants and animals.

Physiology (fuh-zee-OL-uh-jee):

   The study about the functions of living organisms.

Taxonomy (taks-AH-nuh-mee):

   The study of the rules, principles, grouping, and naming of living organisms.

Genetics (juh-NEH-tiks):

   The study of heredity,which is the transferring of characters from parents to offspring.

Embryology (em-bree-OL-uh-jee):

   The study of the formation and development of an embryo therefore, it is also known as (Developmental Biology) .

Environmental Biology:

   The study of relationship between the living organisms and non-living factors of the environment and their effects on each other.

Paleontology (pee-lee-on-TOL-uh-jee):

   The study of remote past organic life, with the help of fossils.


   The study of techniques for the manipulation of gene to bring changes in the structure and location of genes to achieve desirable characters.

Sociobiology (soh-see-oh-bai-OL-uh-jee):

   The study of social behavior of living organisms i.e., interaction between themselves.


The scientific study of parasites, which are living organisms that depend on other living organisms.

Pharmacology (fahr-muh-KOL-uh-jee):

   The study of the action of drugs.

Molecular Biology:

   The study of organic molecules that constitute a cell and its organelles.


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