How To Do Things

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How To Do Things
(a) Arranging A Party
(b) Mending A Puncture

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Words and Meaning: Word English Meaning Urdu Meaning
1 Arrangement The act of organizing or placing things in order ترتیب دینا
2 Amusement Entertainment or enjoyment تفریح
3 Choice The act of selecting or making a decision انتخاب
4 Closest Nearest in proximity or distance نزدیک ترین
5 Clad Dressed in a particular way پہنا
6 Council A group of people who meet to discuss and decide on matters شورا
7 Crockery Dishes and other kitchen utensils collectively برتن
8 Cutlery Utensils used for eating and serving food کھانے پینے کے آلات
9 Containing Holding or having something within میں رکھنے والا
10 Durable Able to withstand wear, decay, or damage مضبوط
11 Eatables Food that can be eaten کھانے کی چیزیں
12 Emergency A sudden, urgent situation requiring immediate action ایمرجنسی
13 Frighten To cause fear or make someone scared ڈرانا
14 Honour High respect, esteem, or regard عزت
15 Joy A feeling of great happiness خوشی
16 Kit A set of items or equipment سامان
17 Look for To search for or seek something تلاش کرنا
18 Layers Sheets or thicknesses piled on top of each other پرت
19 Manner The way in which something is done or happens طریقہ
20 Mend To repair or fix something مرمت کرنا
21 Menu A list of food and drinks available at a restaurant مینو
22 None Not any or not one of a group کوئی نہیں
23 Process A series of actions or steps taken to achieve a particular end عملیات
24 Parcel A package or object wrapped for delivery پارسل
25 Puncture A small hole or opening made by a sharp object سوراخ
26 Press To apply force or pressure on something دبانا
27 Passers-by People who are walking past or by گزرنے والے
28 Rest To relax or take a break from activity آرام
29 Riding Traveling on or in a vehicle or on an animal سواری کرنا
30 Shallow Not deep; having little depth کم گہرا
31 Splendid Magnificent or excellent شاندار
32 Served Provided or offered something to someone پیش کیا
33 Suddenly Happening quickly and unexpectedly اچانک
34 Treasure Valuable objects or wealth hidden or kept in a secure place خزانہ
35 Tightness State of being firmly held or fastened تنگی

Questions and Answers:

Q1: Why was the party held?

Ans: The party was held to celebrate Shahnaz’s birthday.

Q2: What was on the party menu?

Ans: The menu included kebabs, samosas, sandwiches, fruit-chat, sweetmeat, and cake, along with tea.

Q3: What was written on the cake?

Ans: The cake had Shahnaz’s name with a birthday wish.

Q4: What games were organized for the guests?

Ans: Party games like “passing the parcel,” “treasure hunt,” and “musical chairs” were set up for the guests.

Q5: Why was Shahnaz happy at the end of the party?

Ans: Shahnaz was happy because it was a good party and everyone enjoyed it.

Q6: When is a bicycle-rider a joy?

Ans: Bicycle ride is joyful when one is young and full of energy. It’s also pleasant because of the exercise.

Q7: When does this joy vanish?

Ans: This joy vanishes when the cycle gets punctured.

Q8: What’s in the kit for mending the puncture?

Ans: The kit contains a wrench, old cycle tube, small scissors, sandpaper, colored pencil, and sticking solution. Also, a deep pot for water is required to find the puncture.

Q9: What happens when the punctured part of the tube goes under water?

Ans: Air bubbles with a hissing sound emerge from the punctured part when it’s underwater. The spot is marked with a colored pencil.

Q10: What do we use to make the tube rough by rubbing?

Ans: Sandpaper is used to make the tube’s surface rough.

Q11: What did Shahnaz do at the party?

Ans: Shahnaz wore a beautiful dress, received gifts, thanked guests, cut the cake, and served them.

Q12: What are musical chairs?

Ans: Musical chairs is an indoor game where guests move around chairs with music and the one left standing is the winner.


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