In recognizing the gift of our homeland, Pakistan, we should express gratitude for the sacrifices made by our forebearers and the opportunities bestowed upon us. Acknowledging our responsibility towards the progress and prosperity of our nation, we can contribute by:
Environmental Pollution:
Environmental pollution happens when harmful substances get into the air, water, or land. Think of it like something dirtying a clean glass of water. These harmful substances, or pollutants, can come from many places, such as factories blowing smoke into the air, cars releasing exhaust, or chemicals from farms and industries getting into rivers and soil. Pollution can make the air hazy, the water unsafe to drink, and the land infertile.
The Impact of Pollution on People and the Planet:
Pollution is a problem because it can make people, animals, and plants sick. For example, if someone breathes dirty air, it can hurt their lungs. Polluted water can harm fish and the people who drink it. When the land is polluted, the food that grows there can become unsafe to eat. So, keeping the environment clean is important for everyone’s health and for the Earth’s well-being.
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