Discovery Of Proton

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Discovery Of Proton:

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In 1886 Eugen Goldstein used a discharge tube with a hole in the cathode said to be perforatedCathode. 

  1. Discharge tube filled with gas.
  2. High voltage battery.
  3. Vacuum pump.
  4. Electrodes in which the cathode is perforated.
discovery of protons


He observed that while cathode rays were streaming away from the cathode, there were coloured rays produced simultaneously which passed through the perforated cathode and caused a glow on the wall opposite to the anode. Thomson studied these rays and showed that they consisted of particles carrying a positive charge. He called them Positive rays.

Properties Of Positive Rays::

  • These rays travel in straight lines in a direction opposite to the cathode rays.
  • Their deflection in the electric and magnetic fields proved that these are positively charged.
  • The nature of canal rays depends upon the nature of the gas, present in the discharge tube.
  • They possess mass many times the mass of an electron.
  • They cause fluorescence in zinc sulphide.


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