Contributions of Chemists to Chemistry

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Contributions of Chemists to Chemistry

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Period/Timeline Name of Scientists Contribution/Invention Origin of Scientist
460 - 357 B.C. Democritus Proposed the idea of the atom, a Greek indivisible particle of matter. Greek
428 - 347 B.C. Plato Proposed the term 'elements' as the Greek composition of organic and inorganic bodies with a particular shape. Greek
384 - 322 B.C. Aristotle Proposed the idea of a substance as a Greek combination of matter and form. Described theory of the Four Elements, i.e. fire, water, earth, air. Greek
721 - 803 A.D. Jabir Ibne-Hayan Invented experimental methods of Muslim nitric acid, hydrochloric acid and white lead. Extraction of metals from their ores and dyeing clothes. Muslim
862 - 930 A.D. Al-Razi Prepared ethyl alcohol by the fermentation process. Muslim
973 - 1048 A.D. Al-Beruni Determined densities of different substances. Muslim
980 - 1037 A.D. Ibn Sina Contributed to medicine, philosophy and astronomy. Muslim
1627 - 1691 A.D. Robert Boyle Put forward the idea of chemistry as a systematic investigation of nature. Discovered the gaseous law. English
1728 - 1799 A.D. J. Black Discovered carbon dioxide. Scottish
1731 - 1810 A.D. Cavendish Discovered hydrogen. British
1733 - 1804 A.D. J. Priestley Discovered oxygen, sulphur dioxide and hydrogen chloride. English
1741 - 1820 A.D. Petit Determined the classical expression for the molar specific of certain chemical elements. French
1742 - 1786 A.D. Scheele Discovered chlorine. German
1743 - 1794 A.D. Lavoisier Discovered that oxygen is one-fifth of air. French
1766 - 1844 A.D. John Dalton Proposed the atomic theory of matter. English
1776 - 1856 A.D. Avogadro Proposed Avogadro’s law that states equal volumes of gases under constant temperature and pressure contain an equal number of molecules. Italian
1778 - 1850 A.D. Gay-Lussac Discovered that water is composed of two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen by volume. Also discovered several chemical and physical properties of air and other gases. French
1796 - 1823 A.D. Jacques Charles Described the gaseous law. French
1779 - 1848 A.D. J. J. Berzelius Introduced symbols, formulas and chemical equations to make study more systematic. Swedish
1791 - 1867 A.D. M. Faraday Contributed to the study of electromagnetism and electrochemistry. British
1824 - 1904 A.D. Mendeleev Discovered the periodic arrangement of elements. Russian
1856 - 1940 A.D. J. J. Thomson Discovered the electron through experiments. British
1859 - 1927 A.D. Arrhenius Proposed acid-base theory and ions dissociation. Swedish
1871 - 1937 A.D. Rutherford Postulated the nuclear structure of the atom. Discovered alpha and beta rays, and proposed the laws of radioactive decay. Scottish
1879 - 1955 A.D. Elbert Einstein Proposed the fourth state of matter. German
1885 - 1962 A.D Neil Bohr Proposed a theory for the hydrogen atom based on quantum theory. British
1887 - 1961 A.D. Schrodinger Proposed a quantum mechanical model of the atom. Australian
1892 - 1987 A.D. De Broglie Proposed a hypothesis about wave particles and the duality of electrons. French
1894 - 1974 A.D. Satyendra Nath Bose Proposed the fourth state of matter along with Einstein. Indian
1951 - Alive Carl Weiman Synthesised the first Bose-Einstein Condensate. American
1961 - Alive Eric Cornell Produced the first Bose-Einstein Condensate. American


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