The Constitution of 1962 represented a departure from parliamentary democracy to a presidential system in Pakistan. Introduced during President Ayub Khan’s regime, it aimed to provide stability and governance efficiency.
Salient Features of the Constitution of 1962:
Presidential System:
Established a presidential form of government, concentrating executive authority in the President.
Basic Democracies:
Introduced a system of Basic Democracies, creating local bodies for decentralized governance.
Indirect Elections:
Implemented an electoral system with indirect elections for the President and Basic Democracies.
Presidential Powers:
Granted extensive powers to the President, including the ability to dissolve the National Assembly.
Restrictions on Political Activities:
Imposed restrictions on political activities and the formation of political parties.
Technocrats in Government:
Encouraged the inclusion of technocrats in the government to enhance administrative efficiency.
Islamic Provisions:
Retained certain Islamic provisions but with a more pragmatic approach to governance.
Abolition of Provincial Boundaries:
Abolished the existing provincial boundaries and replaced them with administrative units.
Single-Point Advice:
Introduced the concept of “single-point advice,” limiting the President’s need to consult multiple sources.
Constitutional Amendments:
Facilitated easier amendments to the constitution through the President’s decree.
The Constitution of 1962, though providing a stable governance structure, faced criticism for its concentration of power in the hands of the President. Its short-lived existence paved the way for subsequent constitutional reforms in Pakistan.
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