Composition of Atmosphere

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Composition of Atmosphere

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In this chapter, we will learn about “The Atmosphere,” which is a blanket of gases surrounding the Earth. It plays a crucial role in supporting life and regulating the Earth’s climate.


The layer of air surrounding the earth at a height of around 1600 km and it consists of many gases is known as atmosphere.

Composition of Atmosphere:

The atmosphere is composed mainly of nitrogen, oxygen, and other trace gases. It also contains water vapor and suspended particles.

Percentages of Gases in Atmosphere:


Percentage in Air

Nitrogen (N2)


Oxygen (O2)


Argon (Ar)


Carbon Dioxide (CO2)


Neon (Ne)

Trace Amount

Helium (He)

Trace Amount

Methane (CH4)

Trace Amount


Trace Amount


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