Chemical Bonds

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Chemical Bonding

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The attractive force that holds the atoms in a molecule is known as chemical bond.

Why Do Atoms Form Chemical Bonds?

It is a universal rule that everything in this world tends to become more stable. Atoms achieve stability by attaining electronic configuration of noble gases (He, Ne or 2 6 Ar, etc) i.e. ns, np . Having 2 or 8 electrons in the valence shell is a sign of stability. Attaining two electrons in the valence shell is called duplet rule while attaining eight electrons in the valence shell is called octet rule

Extra Dosage for Boosting the Concept of Electronegativity:

Electronegativity is a term which was first proposed in 1934 by the American physicist R.S. Mulliken. It is especially useful in explaining the type of the bond occurring between atoms.

Electronegativity is the tendency of an atom to attract the bonding electrons within a compound to itself. It depends upon the nuclear charge (proton number) and the atomic radius of the atom. It is these factors that control the ionisation energy of the atom which in turn is related to the ability of an atom to attract electrons.

Electronegativity does not have a unit. The most widely used electronegativity scale today was derived by Linus Pauling. He used bond energy values in the preparation of this scale. According to this scale the most active metal francium and the most active nonmetal fluorine have electronegativity values of 0.7 and 4.0 respectively

What are valence electrons?

The number of electrons present in the outermost cloud/shell/orbit of an atom is known as valence electrons.

Describe the ways in which bonds may be formed?

The following may be the possibilities by which an atom forming the bond by another atom.

  • Gaining or loosing the valence electrons.
  • Sharing the valence electrons.
  • Donating or accepting the valence electrons.
periodic table

Electronegativity values of the elements. In the periodic table, electronegativity increases from left to right and from bottom to top.


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