Basic components of DBMS

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Basic components of DBMS

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1. Table:

   A table is a collection of related data organized in rows and columns, representing entities in the database.

2. Field:

   A field is a single piece of data within a table representing a specific attribute of the entity.

3. Record:

   A record is a complete set of related fields, representing a single instance or row in a table.

4. Data Types:

   Data types define the kind of data a field can hold, such as text, number, date, or boolean

Name of Data Type Description of Data Type Example
Integer Represents whole numbers without decimal points. 42, -17, 0
String Represents a sequence of characters. "Hello", "Database", "123"
Date Represents a date or date and time. "2023-08-01", "15:30:00"
Float/Double Represents numbers with decimal points. 3.14, -99.99, 0.0
Boolean Represents a binary value (True or False). True, False
Char Represents fixed-length character strings. "ABC", "X", "John"


   Views are virtual tables generated from the data in one or more tables, presenting a customized subset of the data to users.

(i) Steps to Create a Table using Design View:

  1. Open the database management software and create a new blank database.
  2. Click on the “Create” tab and select “Table Design” to open the design view.
  3. Define the table’s fields by entering the field names, data types, and other properties.
  4. Set a primary key by selecting a field and clicking the “Primary Key” button.
  5. Save the table and provide it with a meaningful name.
  6. Add additional fields, set their data types, and define any necessary constraints.
  7. Set relationships with other tables if required using the “Lookup Wizard” or direct relationship connections.
  8. Save the table design, and it will be created in the database with the specified fields and properties.

(ii) Steps for creating a query or view using Design View:

    1. Open the database management software and open the database where you want to create the query or view.
    2. Click on the “Create” tab and select “Query Design” or “View Design” to open the design view.
    3. In the “Show Table” dialog, add the tables you want to use in your query or view.
    4. Drag and drop the desired fields from the tables into the “Query Design” or “View Design” grid to include them in the query or view.
    5. Specify the criteria for the query or view by adding conditions to the “Criteria” row of the relevant fields.
    6. If needed, add sorting to the query or view by using the “Sort” row of the fields.
    7. For queries, you can add calculated fields using expressions in new columns.
    8. Save the query or view with a meaningful name to access it later, and then run it to see the results.