A Village Fair

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A Village Fair

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Words and Meaning:

S.No Word English Meaning Urdu Meaning
1 Acrobat A person skilled in performing feats of agility and balance, often in a circus آواز سننے والا
2 Annual Occurring once every year; yearly سالانہ
3 Announcement A public or formal notice of something اعلان
4 Astonish To fill with sudden wonder or amazement حیران کرنا
5 Buntings Decorative flags or streamers, often used for celebrations جھلمیں
6 Close by Near in space or time قریب
7 Colourful Full of bright colors; vibrant رنگین
8 Competition A contest between individuals or groups مسابقت
9 Chase To pursue or follow with the intent of catching or capturing پیچھا کرنا
10 Conjurer A person who performs magic tricks جادوگر
11 Deafening Extremely loud and noisy کانوں پر تلملاتے والا
12 Delicious Extremely tasty and enjoyable ذائقہ
13 Decorated Adorned or embellished with decorative elements سجا ہوا
14 Damage Harm or injury to something نقصان
15 Entertainers Performers who provide amusement or enjoyment تفریح فراہم کرنے والے
16 Fair Just and unbiased; an event where goods are bought and sold منصفانہ
17 Far off At a considerable distance دور
18 Furious Extremely angry or violent شدید غصہ
19 Gather To collect or assemble اکٹھا کرنا
20 Gallop A fast, horse's gait تیز دوڑ
21 Handkerchief A small piece of fabric used for wiping one's nose or hands رومال
22 Household A group of people living together and sharing domestic responsibilities خاندان
23 In full swing At the height of activity or success پوری ترقی پر
24 Juggler A person skilled at juggling objects بازیگر جادوگر
25 Lance A long, pointed weapon used by knights نیزہ
26 Performance A presentation or display of a skill or talent اجراء
27 Pottery Objects made from clay and fired in a kiln, such as dishes and vases مٹی کے برتن
28 Safe and Sound Completely safe and unharmed بے خوف و خطر
29 Set up To establish or arrange قائم کرنا
30 Surprise To astonish or amaze unexpectedly حیرانی

Questions and Answers:

Q.1: What was the reason behind the village’s adornment? OR What greeted Bilal’s eyes when he alighted from the bus in the village?

Ans. Bilal observed that the village was bedecked with vibrant buntings and fluttering flags. This festive decor marked the commencement of the annual fair, with streets bustling as people reveled in a holiday atmosphere.

Q.2: Why was this the optimal moment for a visit to the village?

Ans. This proved to be the ideal occasion for a village visit due to the ongoing celebration of the yearly fair. With the village in high spirits, it was a time of merriment and amusement. Bilal was fortunate to witness the enchanting scenes of this festive gathering.

Q.3: What sorts of stalls were erected for the fair?

Ans. A multitude of temporary stalls were erected for the fair, offering an array of products ranging from handkerchiefs to agricultural tools. This fair provided a prime opportunity for commerce as numerous villagers engaged in shopping during this time.

Q.4: What purpose did these stalls serve for the villagers?

Ans. These stalls held significant utility for the villagers as individuals from distant locations converged to buy and sell their wares. Given the prevalent shopping among villagers during the fair, these stalls served as crucial business hubs.

Q.5: What entertainments were organized in the fair to delight the children?

Ans. The fair featured diverse amusements tailored to entertain children. These included merry-go-rounds, monkey shows, swings, and performances by conjurers, jugglers, and acrobats. All these offerings brought immense joy and amusement to the young attendees.

Q.6: How did the juggler captivate the audience?

Ans. The juggler captivated the audience with his amusing and astonishing tricks. He skillfully juggled seven balls simultaneously, exhibiting an impressive display of practice and finesse.

Q.7: What was the conjurer’s approach to his performances?

Ans. The conjurer executed a series of astounding tricks through his cunning dexterity. He borrowed Bilal’s handkerchief, tore it into fragments, and astonishingly returned it to Bilal intact, leaving him amazed.

Q.8: What does the term “tent-pegging” refer to?

Ans. Tent-pegging refers to a popular sport where wooden pegs are implanted in the ground. Riders, while galloping on horseback, aim to pull the pegs out using their lances.

Q.9: What spurred the dogs to engage in the dog race?

Ans. The dog race featured an intriguing form of amusement where a rabbit was utilized to motivate the racing dogs. Hound dogs enthusiastically pursued the rabbit, aiming to catch it. However, the rabbit managed to reach safety, disappearing just as the dogs approached.

Q.10: What was the noteworthy announcement?

Ans. An important announcement resonated through the air, heralding the imminent commencement of horse races. The spectators hurried to secure spots at the front. Equestrian enthusiasts proudly paraded their magnificent horses, choreographing dances to the beat of drums. As the riders assumed their positions and the whistle blew, the horses dashed forward. The crowd erupted in joyful cheers when their favored horse emerged victorious in the race.

Q.11: What motivated Bilal’s trip to the village?

Ans. During his summer vacation, Bilal decided to seek a change of scenery from the bustling city life. He yearned for a respite and chose to spend a few days with his cousin Zubair, residing in the village.

Q.12: How did the monkey execute its tricks?

Ans. The monkey skillfully mimicked various characters, such as an enraged husband with a scowling countenance and a proud man striding with hands tucked behind his back and a lofty demeanor. Additionally, the clever primate performed a variety of other tricks.

Q.13: What form of amusement did Bilal find unsettling?

Ans: A bear engaged in a confrontational bout with three aggressive dogs, all tethered to a pole. Bilal found this spectacle distressing, viewing it as a harsh game that he did not appreciate.

Q.14: How was the acrobat’s performance accomplished?

Ans. The acrobat’s performance unfolded on a taut rope stretched to its limit. Scaling a pole, he ascended to its uppermost point and reclined horizontally, maintaining equilibrium with remarkable precision. Although this daring act carried risks, his careful execution elicited cheers from the crowd.

Q.15: Write a brief description of a restaurant.

Ans. Vibrant restaurants resonated with popular melodies and offered delectable fare. They became a magnet for those who journeyed from distant locations without local relatives, providing them with a delightful culinary experience.

Q.16: Write a short note on the drum beating competition.

Ans: Enveloped in a cacophony, an ongoing drum-beating competition involved eight skilled drummers vying for supremacy. Each participant exerted themselves to secure the coveted first prize, resulting in a boisterous atmosphere.

Q.17: What were the various attractions at the village fair?

Ans. The village fair boasted an array of captivating attractions. These included a drum-beating contest, diverse shopping opportunities, live music, culinary delights, confrontations between a bear and ferocious dogs, monkey displays, horse races, dog races, tent-pegging, and performances by conjurers, jugglers, and acrobats. The fair provided a fulfilling experience for attendees.

Q.18: What kind of purchases could people make at the village fair?

Ans. The village fair presented a wide spectrum of goods available for purchase, ranging from handkerchiefs to agricultural implements. Girls indulged in buying rings and bangles, while women showed interest in household items like pottery milk-churners and toys for children. Men engaged in acquiring farming tools and various other articles.

Q.19: How was Bilal’s reception by his cousin in the village?

Ans. Bilal received a heartfelt welcome from his cousin Zubair, who eagerly embraced him upon his arrival.

Q.20: What advantages did villagers gain from the village fair?

Ans. The village fair yielded multiple advantages for its inhabitants. It served as an optimal time for business transactions and merriment, offering the chance to reconnect with distant relatives who specifically traveled for the fair.


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